Operating expenses are declining as a percentage of revenue, but not by much. 运营费用占收入的百分比正在下降,但降幅不大。
The consumer does not own the infrastructure, software, or platform in the cloud. He has lower upfront costs, capital expenses, and operating expenses. 消费者不必拥有云中的基础设施、软件或平台,因此降低了前期成本、资本支出和运营成本。
Large system images and associated hardware to operate and maintain them can contribute to large capital and operating expenses. 大型系统镜像以及用于操作和维护的相关硬件可能造成很高的资本和运营支出。
Public hospitals have since mainly relied on profits from medical services and drug prescriptions for their operating expenses. 从那之后,公立医院的运营费用主要依赖医疗卫生服务费用以及药品处方费用。
If our operating expenses exceed sales, we won't be able to make a profit. 我们的营运费用若比销售所得高的话,就赚不到钱了。
The students signed a contract and serve as unpaid employees, and Dr Pepper Snapple covers operating expenses and travel costs. 这两名学生签订了合同,无偿为公司工作,DrPepperSnapple集团则负责项目运作的开支和交通费用。
IBRD income also pays for World Bank operating expenses and has contributed to IDA and debt relief. IBRD收入也支付世行经费,同时还用于IDA和减债工作。
You should generate enough monthly income to provide a healthy cash flow and cover operating expenses. 您应该产生足够的月收入,提供一个健康的现金流和支付业务费用。
What methods do you use to control food cost and operating expenses? 用什么方法去控制食品成本和运作的支出。
Because of the existence of prepaid expenses such as prepaid rents, the operating expenses in the income statement does not match the amount of cash payments for operating expenses, the increase or decrease in prepaid expenses should be adjusted. 由于像预付租金这样的预付费用的存在,使得损益表上的营业费用与发生营业费用所支付的现金是不相等的,预付费用的增加额或减少额应该予以调整。
Make and follow the budget of the operating expenses and follow up the operating cost. 制定和跟踪预算的营业费用和跟踪营运成本。
The plan will elaborate the anticipated start-up cost, operating expenses and the profitability potential among others. 该计划将详细说明预期的启动成本,经营费用和利润潜力等。
All major operating expenses should be breakdown by items. 4各主要营运成本项目须分类列出。
Operating expenses are treated similarly if they are part of the company's standard cost system. 营业费用如果也作为公司标准成本系统的一部分,其列示方法与销售成本相同。
The cash payments to suppliers include the cash payments for purchases and cash payments for operating expenses. 向供应商支付的现金包括购货支付的现金和发生营业费用支付的现金。
Operating Income Operating Income is the amount left over after subtract all the operating expenses from Gross Profit. 运营收益。毛利减去各项运营费用后,剩下的就是运营收益。
Many companies are trying to reduce operating expenses, as a "winter" ahead of intention. 许多企业都在想方设法降低运营支出,为“过冬”提早打算。
The major categories of an income statement for a service company are the service revenue and the operating expenses. 服务性公司的收益表主要由服务收入和经营费用构成。
A large share of the money that some major industrialized countries give to the UN system returns to them in terms of the money the UN spends in their countries on materials purchased, salaries and operating expenses. 一些主要工业国交给联合国系统的钱有一大部分以联合国在这些国家中花钱购买材料、支付工资和业务费用的形式又还给了它们。
That is to say, these expenses don't need any current payments, so these expenses must be subtracted from operating expenses to determine the cash payments. 也就是说,这些费用并不需要当期的任何现金支付,因而这些费用也必须从营业费用中扣除才能确定现金支付额。
Generally, the cash payments for operating expenses are determined after three adjustments. 一般说来,发生营业费用支付的现金的确定要经过三次调整。
Goldman shrank the size of the revenue pool set aside for compensation during the period, reducing operating expenses. 在本季度,高盛缩小了薪酬占营业收入的比例,降低了运营成本。
Proportion of the fee for resources and environment over the operating expenses ( overhead)( 3.16%); 资源环境费占管理费用的比重(3.16%);
They have an immediate pressure to reduce operating expenses. 它们面临削减营运开支的紧迫压力。
For instance business entertains cost to should enter operating expenses, because be the expenditure on business. 比如业务招待费就应该入营业费用,因为是业务上的开支。
The calculation of cash payments for operating expenses is more complicated than the preceding items. 发生营业费用支付的现金的计算比前述的各项目的计算要复杂得多。
As a second step, operating expenses are subtracted from the gross profit to obtain operating income ( or operating profit). 第二步是把经营费用从毛利润中扣除从而得出经营利润;
The corporation continues to exercise tight control over its operating expenses. 按揭证券公司继续有效地控制经营支出。
Operating expenses were higher at both banks in 2008 than in 2007. 2008年,两家银行的营运支出都较2007年有所上升。
Second, as there are some short-term liabilities which result from accrued expenses, the figure of cash payments for operating expenses is different from that of operating expenses in the income statement. 其次,鉴于有一些累计费用导致的短期负债,也会使得损益表上的营业费用与发生营业费用支付的现金不相等。